Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Guys: please advice me on what you think!!?

Are you sure he doesn't have another gf? As a guy, we also make time for someone we're attracted to no matter how busy we are. We go out of our way as a matter of fact. Just make sure you're not gf number 2. Have you ever been to his place? Are you sure that he isn't under the impression that your relationship isn't just casual?

Why is he acting like this?

Your post states that he has been acting "weird" without a full explanation as to what constitutes "weird." It is quite possible that his mother may have had some influence in your guy acting "weird," or his mother may be opposed to him seeing you. I would suggest that you phone your guy and ask him for specific information about his behavior.

Does he like me?? or just playing...?

sorry this ones tough. did u hear hes a player from someone u trust? he seems pretty persistant to be a player and hes shy players usually arent like that. i would say dont do anything with him til ur in a real relationship. ask him about it in person dont text him if u text him he can say whatever he wants and u cant tell if hes lying do it in person usually if u look someone straight in there eye deep into there pupils u can tell if there lying.

What was the name of the high school recruits flag football tournament on ESPNU about a month ago? Champion?

The tournament was sponsored by "Champion" and the teams were separated by geographic region. A lot of top recruits played in it. Does anyone remember what it was called? Does anyone know where I can get a copy? Thanks

I need a good diet to get a toned stomach? is this a good plan...?

There's this thing called UDDD (Up Day Down Day) where you eat normally for one day and then fast the next day and so on. Its awesome. Give it a shot.

Edgar A. Poe "The Philosophy of composition"?

A woman dies and the one who knew her best, her lover, would be the one to eulogize her, in verse or otherwise. I think Mr. Poe was speaking of Lenore and the poem he wrote about her and her untimely death. He alludes to the fact that there is a possibility for a reunion in paradise when a beautiful woman dies and leaves a distraught mate.

Was Adolf Hitler Disabled ?

No, but he was injured by a bomb blast in a failed ination attempt, and now, historians also think he may have had a muscular disease because he also had trouble with tremors in his arm

I need the recipe of the "mimosa" drink, please?

I used to have it some time ago and I want to have it again, just need to know exactly how much OJ and how much champagne I need, thanks.

Do you think Obama's Safe School Czar who praises Harry Hay was involved in Spy Scam in PA.?

I do! Michelle Obama was on Huckabee just 2 days before the scandal was on the news. She told Huckabee the schools in PA. were what they wanted to use for Examples - like they are the best schools- most liberal! So- wouldn't Obamas buddy Kevin Jennings- the big HARRY Pervert Hay fan- Obamas new Safe School Czar most likely be in charge and involved with the PA schools? I see another RADICAL LINK! Those computers had cameras spying on the H.S kids in their HOMES!- Typical COMMIE action! Typical perverted actions as well. Don't you think Kevin was involved? He did tell a 15 year old to use protection with his old man lover..

I have a glove with five blades used to cut carrots. How do I patent this?

I attached 5 razor sharp blades with spring action to a glove...basically you put on the glove and with a flik of the wrist, you can make the blades suddenly spring out all shiny like. This makes cutting a carrot or celery stick a cinch. How do I patent this fab idea?

Is this to many fish for this tank?

That is too many for a 10 gallon tank, all I can suggest is upgrade your tank, unless you don't want to you can always donate the shrimp and frog to a friend or family member. Or move to a separate tank until you get one big enough to support your fish. Good Luck

Adrian Gonzalez to Marlins?

Gonzalez will go to Florida but the key part of the deal is CP Heath Bell. Heath Bell should pray he goes to Florida because Bell is making 1 Million with San Diego so maybe a trade will increase his salary plus he will get more chances to stick it to the Mets being in the NL East.

What do you think about Obama's support of the Affirmative Action on a Federal level?

Why not, at least he is showing what he belives. He is no different then any other black leader, practicing the politics of white guilt and that black people can only move up with govt help, not on their own.

In what way does the american electoral system tend to promote a two party system?

Having anymore than 2 popular parties would make it so individual votes would matter even less than they do now as presidential elections would be decided by the House because no single party would be able to get the 272 votes for their candidate in the general election.

Where can you buy this at?

i was wondering where can you buy the palmers cocoa er formula swivel stick at ? i cant find it anywhere. please help!!

Do people marry into the phelps cult?

like i would ume they would eventually die down, it is mostly family, like who just says, mhmm that phelps girl or boy looks good id like to be apart of that family, im pretty sure no one says that, so do you think theyll eventually die out, and im being serious, not joking, like i honestly think theyll just die down, fred is like in his nineties, and hes the root of all evil, so then we have to wait for shirely, then her kids and hopefully her kids dont reproduce, so yeah.

Could your home survive a Mega quake like Japan?

They are more prepared for earthquakes than possibly any other place in the world, because they are used to them (though not as big as that). The question is-could your building, and those around you, survive such a shaking?

How to have pink gums?

It is normal, the darker your complection the darker your gums can be. There is no way to make them pink

I want Skechers" BLACK/SILVER GLIMMER" Biker Block Party sneakers discontinued I think! Help me! Size 8 1/2

These sneakers are athletic inspired. They are a mule type shoe. I know they make them I have saw two people with them on. They are black backless with silver glimmer stripes on the sides. I've searched the web; ebay; shoe stores;goodwill; thrift stores, I really want a pair, Can someone out there help me?

The death of Michael Jackson?

I feel a little numb. I have no sympathy or mercy for child molesters. At the same time I am saddened that a child molester got away with it by giving hush money. I am also very angry that people here are supporting him and pretending that he just made some mistakes. It is not a mistake to molest children! I feel that it is a great injustice that he didn't go to prison for the rest of his pathetic life. He got the easy way out. The freak died while his victims have to endure horrible emotional scars for the rest of their life. And for those who would like to make excuses and claim it wasn't proven... well you don't pay out millions of dollars to keep it quiet if you didn't do it. He showed he was guilty! I only hope his poor victims can take some kind of solace in knowing their attacker is dead.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

So, I've recently been hired by eharmony to do some market research for should I handle it?

wow do you really have to go out with them? if not then just keep talking to an of them and only pick ones you might like. if you do have to go out with them quit its not worth it

I need a barn name for my new horse!!! HELP!?

My new TB's show name is "In Demand" is old owners called him Indy, I want to browse other names for him, just to see what else would go with his show name, PLEASE HELP!!!

How can I get that dream job?

I'm a hardworking film student grad, since I've graduated I have been struggling to find that right job, I've done internships, and freelance but nothing solid. I just want to be a master control engineer, I've tried craigslist, mandy, walking in with my resume. Everything. What else can I do?

Pick 4 numbers between 0-9?

they can be each different or double or triple or all the same.i'm playing the lotto here in nyc and can use some help.

How do i tell BLACK GUYS that im not interested! and that i dont WANT THEM?

well im black myself (dads mixed black/white). but im not interested in black guys i like white guys and im always getting black guys on me and stuff trying to flirt but i dont see the attraction at all. and theres this guy chris he has a crush on me and everyone is telling me he's planning to ask me out, and he's a nice guy..but i dont want him and what should i say cause he suppost to meet me and a friend at a movies and theyll be a white guy there (parker) that im kinda crushing on now, what do i say to chris " oh im not attracted to black guys, sorry,now please stop" i mean i would say that i dont really care but i dont think itll be cool for me to say it, and not just him i got like 6 guys crushing on me right now that everyone's telling me about, do i just say i dont want black guys? and i dont understand why black guys at my school keep wanting me more especially after i go with a white guy

Does anyone know where I can find a printable coupon for Shake n' Pour Bisquick and/or Oust candle coupons?

I haven't seen any shake n pour coupons that are printable, only regular bisquick for the larger sized boxes. For the oust coupons, I have no idea, I haven't seen any. There are usually some out for airwick or glade.

Aeropostale coupons?

Does anyone have a link to a current printable IN-STORE aeropostale coupons? I get the emails but i lost my coupon link :-P. Thank you very much!

Trying to name our baby girl to be! We would like a little advice.?

So far we like Sadie Grace the best. We also like Daisy Rae, Dacey Rae, and Lola Grace. I have seen a lot of posts about Sadie being a dog name, but people name their dogs all kinds of girls' names now. So I don't think that is an issue for us. Also, Ray is a family name that we are considering using and my grandmother's name was Ola. That is where Lola came from. Thanks for your comments and help!!!!

I'm looking for online stores that sell these Bailey on Uggs?

Its a good web site to buy and sell logo's, web templates, blog templates, e-commerce templates, mobile templates and etc...

What's the statistical probability of you winning this hold em hand?

I was wondering if any one knows what the statistical probability of you winning this hand. You have 5 7 of spades and your opponent is hold pocket 2's one of diamonds the other of hearts the flop comes 6 spades 8 of clubs and King of diamonds Turn comes Ace of Spades what are the odds that the river will come and be something you need to beat him

Why is it if I say anything about blacks that doesn't please them I get a "Violation"?

Affirmative Action, Crime rates, Welfare, Out of wedlock mothers, School drop out rates, AIDs rates, ETC. The come back is usually about my grammar or a misspelled word or two. Let's get DonB, he misspelled a word. Just listen to Jesse Jackson trying to string more than 4 coherent words together at a time. Sounds like you want to "kill the messenger"..

I had diarrhea in my pants at school from my medication...Should I go back?

Something bad happened to me at school. I've recently been taking medication and it's upset my stomach. This morning, I ate an extra large triple egg and bean burrito for breakfast and it tasted a little bit off. In homeroom, my stomach didn't even give me any warning, I stood up but to go but it was too late. Right at my desk, the diarrhea ran down my leg and went everywhere. It ran on the floor and it even got on the leg of the girl beside me. It got worse when I accidentally farted REALLY LOUD and even more exploded out of my . Loose poop literally covered 1/4 of the clroom floor. To make things even worse, the entire room smelled TERRIBLE. The teacher made the whole cl vacate the room. Everyone even put their shirts over their nose, it was that bad. I couldn't control my stomach. Then, my teacher walked with me to the restroom. In the hallway, it hit again. I let out a gigantic fart and more diarrhea exploded out and got all over her and it splattered on the walls in the hall. So then the hallway smelled horrible. The janitor put cones up to block that part. Nobody couls walk there for the rest of the day. My underwear was soiled and my leg was black from poo. After I washed up and changed into my gym clothes, I went home. Should I go back? I feel like I'm ruined for life. I'm only in 10th grade.

How do i write a complete equation for this reaction?

Industrial chemists make hydrofluoric acid from the reactions of aqueous calcium fluoride and aqueous sulfuric acid. How do I write a complete equation for this reaction?

Misfire on the 5 Cylinder?

I've got an intrepid think it's a 97 with a 2.7 in it that's missing hard on the 5 cylinder. I can't tell weather it's missing throughout the spectrum or weather it's just at idle. Threw my scanner on it and brought up a miss on the 5 cylinder and then it brought up a random miss. It's burning oil as well which lead me to belive that it might have been a valve but I don't have a compression tester so I have no clue. Changed the plug and swapped the 3 and 5 coil packs and it the miss didn't change so I know the coil pack is good. Did a quick test by sticking my hand behind the tail pipe and it's got low compression. I know that's not accurate but it's better than nothing. It's got roughly 150k on it. and thinks to the heat shields over the manifolds I don't get the pleasure of taking it up to 2500rpm and shoving a crayon on the no.5 tube. Just wondering if anybody's got a good idea of what's wrong with it. If it were knocking I'd say it was a valve but it's not and I'm kinda stumped.

Fryderyk Chopin University of Music ?

I live in Istanbul, Turkey. And this is my third year on high school. I will graduate from high school next year. And i play piano for 8 years. I want to go Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw, Poland. But i dont know the procedure, music school's at the foreign countries allowed foreign people to study in their departments ? If they are allowing, presumably they choose people with the examination how can i register myself to enter their exams ? Do i have to know Polish language ? That's my questions for now any helps to be appreciated.

Poem for my girlfriend, opinions please? ANYONE :D?

this is your first one? not bad at all. it seems like something you would want to read to her rather than give to her, but overall, not bad for a first time.

Could some1 please tell me why u would want to visit the salt mine cathedral in Bogota, Colombia?

The cathedral at zipaquira is actually the 2nd. The first, IMHO was way cooler. You could drive into the entrance and the statues and altar (all ripped off to the new one) Were awesome. You could find Halite Crystals for sale (Clear salt) and lots of souvenirs. Today, you enter in a big ugly tunnel and p 10 very dark stations of the cross. All the cool stuff except for the big cross that is set in relief behind the altar were all robbed from the Original. Also, the taxi price -in the book they all have in the glove box is 75K pesos RT. THey will want to charge you 150 but haggle. They need the work.

What movie are you looking forward to seeing in Theaters this summer?

some examples are Transformers 2,Night at the museum 2,Terminator Salvation,Land of the Lost,Year One

I'm really confused and so lost...(guy problemss) and i need extreme HELP?

he probably likes u but cant decide between his curent gf and u but he is just trying to keep u interested just in case he choses to pick u as the one to be with and his gf is probably knows that he likes u and kisses him whenu r around i hope this helps

How can I improve my comprehension skills?

I'll try not to ramble, but the reason I am posting this question is because I guess I'm in a phase in my life where I feel, in comparison to some of my friends, my knowledge is rather limited. I'm a 22 year old senior in college majoring in Business Management, and for the past 6 months or so I've had all the right intentions to become more knowledgeable and intellectual; I strongly desire to have a mind that is well versed with a wide variety of subjects..I want to be able to argue and debate ideas. I just feel like I don't have a strong opinion on many topics. It can be really discouraging to be around some of my friends and hearing them engaged in some deep topics, throwing out a lot of facts, while I sit there with no say in the conversation, feeling pretty much dumb. So I've been really trying to read up on many subjects, whether it be in a book, magazine, newspaper or online article. The problem is I don't remember much of what I read. Even if I have a pretty good understanding of what I'm reading, while I'm reading it, expressing or maybe summarizing what I read to someone is almost impossible for me. I always think, well, maybe I should be going the extra mile and reading the piece of information 2, 3, or 4 times..or maybe I should stop after each paragraph and see if I can explain to myself (or an imaginary person) what I just know, maybe I don't force myself to think and ponder ideas as much as I should..I mean there's always room to work harder, but I just feel like I'm stuck, and it saddens me with graduation coming up and all. My confidence entering the job market is pretty low because of this lack of ability. A lot of respect is lost for people who seem like they don't know what's going on in the world around them. The thing is I know I'm not dumb..I'm keeping just over a 3.0, but I'll be the first to tell you grades aren't everything. I tend to make a lot of excuses for myself and say things like, "well those kids probably grew up soaking in books since their early childhood," or, "their dad/mom is mom is most likely really smart.." I don't know, I hate to whine, its just been on my mind a lot lately. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks!!

What's the point of living when humans are just worker bees?

All we are as humans are a species focused solely on work. We live to work. You may think you live your life by working to live but that is false. You live to work. No way around it. What's the point of life then? I mean, seriously, we spend the majority of our lives doing things we really do not want to do so we can spend a fraction of our time hopefully doing the things we want to do. How does this make sense at all? I'm just confused as to why so many people "just go along with life" instead of actually reflecting on life and what it is and just committing suicide. I'm not trying to be cynical at all here, I'm just stating how I've been feeling. Does anyone have any answers or thoughts on this?

Old Christmas Movie Question..?

Anyone know the christmas cartoon that used to be on Cartoon Network? About a lion adopting a baby that would later be Santa Claus? He had a black kitty, etc. etc. I need help finding this. Please and thank you!

While we live in a supposedly free country, isn't military life a form of dictatorship? Don't you just obey?

When I was in Air Force Basic Training, my training instructor reminded us often that while we PROTECT democracy, we don't PRACTICE it.

My new wife ped gas. Should I file for divorce?

I honestly don't like women who p gas. I mean, it's a guy thing. Women shouldn't p gas. They should be given something to prevent this action because it just isn't ladylike and it is disgusting for a woman to p gas. It's cool for a guy to p gas just because we're not trying to be all prim and proper and play sports in the dirt. But for a woman it's not cool. Anyway, I am filing for divorce this Tuesday. How should I break the news over to the misses? We only just married in November? Btw, the fart lasted at least one minute long last nite while we were cuddling up together during the Judge Judy movie we were watching. All of the Judge Judy best cases DVD or whatever we watched for Valentine's Day!

Do you think Sotomayor should be voted in?

Here is another example of our voice in the Federal Government-deaf earsa href="" rel="nofollow"…/a Our government, such as the electoral vote is closer to communism than Russia; we don't have a chance. Voting is a friggin joke!

I cry everyday about the victims on Air France this normal?

It isn't something most people would do, but that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it. You have a big heart.

Ideas for my project?

im supposed to write a statistical report, any suggestions of what i should do it on and please give me a link to where i can get data for the idea. For ex. i was going to do people who smoke vs people who smoke that have lung cancer. and i have 4 years of data to show how it changed over the years.

Has anyone got a copy of the 1973 brit horror movie Psychomania?

I am sure the actor William Simons is in it ( Alf Ventress, in Heartbeat ) but i cannot find him on the credits on Wikipedia.

How to make a bibliography...?

There is a great website that helps with your bibliography. It is called You put in the information and it puts it in the correct order.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Problems with a new motherboard?

I just recently purchased various new parts to build my own computer and am having a bit of trouble. I've plugged everything in, and everything boots up, except there is no video output. Now I've tried using an old but reliable Vgc i had lying around from another computer, but still no video output. Now people have been telling me that the problem is, im takinga hdd from an another comp that works with XP as the OS and that it wont transfer over to accept the new mobo. The new motherboard is an ASUS M4A87TD EVO AM3 AMD 870 SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX AMD Motherboard from So my question is what should I do?

Have you ever practised a martial art?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What do i do about my girlfriend?

Forget her. If she's going to judge you because of your beliefs, she's not worth your time. She seems to be too shallow to look past your beliefs and see the person inside of you, which is what she should really be looking at.

How do you cite a direct quote from a TV show in MLA format?

I want to cite a direct quote from a TV show but I can't seem to find how to cite it in the paper and on the works cited page.

When do you think The Punisher Warzone teaser comes out?

The Punisher Warzone is set for release on September 12,2008. The Incredible Hulk 13,2008 which is after Ironman. I am thinking it's going to go when Ironman comes out they promote Incredible Hulk then when Incredible Hulk comes out it will promote The Punisher War Zone. Currently they are going with lets get all the hype on Ironman, and then use that to promote Incredible Hulk and then promote Marvel's next movie The Punisher War Zone. I am sure the teaser will be awsome and showing Punisher wipping out mobsters, and enough screen time with his archenemy Jigsaw who will be in it.

I bought a polyester quilt along with a quilt cover from IKEA. Should I wash the actual quilt itself?

I would. But just to get it smelling fresh and get rid of any dirt it may have acquired during packing.

Does anyone else find America and Americans a curiousity?

I dont hate Americans, but they are quite a fascinating people. They just seem to be here to entertain the world. Movies, reality t.v etc. They dont seem to know anything about what goes on outside of America. We are all just watching you guys and being amused. I did live there for a while, and found them to be rather nice people though. They really should join the rest of the world and stop being so selfish.... I guess it goes for the whole Northern Hemisphere really. Ever notice how us bottom dwellers dont have all these wars and problems like the top of the world?

Christians, why the discrimination against Atheists if you can't even live up to your own morals?

oh will you people just stop your bickering for once and give each other a hand instead of a hard time?!! I don't care what you label yourselves as,be it Christian,Atheist,Jew,whatever...someday you hopefully will realize what we all are humans and we are all in this together! geesh It's like listening to a bunch of kids not getting their way and each one determined to be king of the mountain!

Vampire Diaries tv show on cw question?

Hey, So the second season of the vampire diaries just started and i've missed the last 2 shows and i forgot to record them. Im trying to watch one online but its taking a really long time to load. So anyways what has happened so far. Im planning on watching tonight and i want to know whats going on so im not lost. Thanks to everyone who answers.

How does Kim Jong Il relate to Macbeth?

So Kim Jong il is North Korea's Dictator, but i need help i need to relate how he and the book macbeth are similar to each other. Like how they use there power ... b

Which agp video card is better?

Hi, could someone please tell me which one of these 2 agp cards is better or any other better options? I have a spending limit of $50 and it has to be agp. I will be using it for watching dvds/videos and playing half life 2 and dod source. My latest vid card that died was a Powercolor 9800 SE for comparison. Thanks for any help.

What TV station had a christmas music special that aired on december 12th?

It was a countdown of the most famous christmas songs and I cant remember what station it was listed on dec 12 2008 around 7 or 8 pm

About gsssssssss?

its lke 11 at night and im eatin g gs am i gunna get really fat?! cuase ur not supposed to eat late at nmight and at more then i usally eat the whole day! is this really bad?>

What does "Σ" means or stand for in the following formula....?

Σ (sigma) means "the sum of" in mathematical notation. Sigma is usually accompanied by accompanied by an upper and lower limit. In this case the whole statement appears to mean "take the sum of all the possible permutations of the product m of an isotope and the relative abundance".

Why is it so hard to understand political systems?

I don't get it, there's hardly any difference between an autocracy and a dictatorship,and I still have no clue what a republic is.

Which play did you like better: Brandon Stokley's miracle catch or Favre's p to Greg Lewis for the win?

I say Stokley's. At that point, being 87 yards away with 28 seconds left, all Denver could do was Hail Marys. The Vikings were in a better position. Plus, we've all seen a throw to the back of the end zone to win every season. We rarely see a tipped catch and run to win a game. My vote goes to Stokley.

Please help! i really like him!!!!!!?

ok i really like this guy named jordan at school and last year he was in my cl and this time he has a different homeroom. i go to all the football games and hes there and always suggesting to buy me stuff and for us to walk around and hes a HUGE flirt with me and were like best friends but we can't be as close cuz hes in a diff homeroom what do i do? should i ask him out anyway????????????

Has anyone else gotten a bfp after 13 dpo?

I got negatives at 13dpo with clearblue digital, and the cheapie dollar tests. Two days later, they were all positive. So 15dpo was when I got my +'s

Is It Me Or Doe's It Just Seem Like?

It is - LMAO surprised there is not a translator for Manc speak - although Wiggin speak is far worse like lad.

What do you think of my fantasy team i made on madden 2010?

That's awesome, must be a Cowboys fan like me. I would change out the wide receivers a little bit. Go for Randy Moss, Andre Johnson, and Larry Fitzgerald. Who's you O0line and D-line, they're not listed.

I want a baby but i'm to young! Why?

Dont do it, Speak to your friend after she has had the baby, I bet she will tell you how much she misses her sleep, how she has no money, no social life, and so on.... Babys are wonderful - for adults... No offence, but your still a kid, you havent even began to live your life, and your body is still growing and changing, the pressures of pregnancy and birth could really harm you... Seriously, dont do it, just trust us old fuddy duddys on this one....

Biology Question Please Help!?

I know that the answer to one is B. I am taking Honors Biology and homeostasis is the body trying to balance the chemicals and temperature inside it. And the second answer is A becuase all of the other reactions are not caused by oue body reacting.

Can rabbits chew on fig tree branches? What about pear tree branches?

I have fruit trees growing in my yard. Apple, fig and pear. I know the apple tree branches are safe for bunnies to chew but it was damaged when a neighbor's tree fell on it and I can't spare the branches right now. The pear and fig trees are doing well, though. I'd like to use them for my bunnies but I want to make sure they aren't toxic.

Am I at Fault or not in this truck accident?

I live in NSW in Australia and I was driving a prime mover truck with trailer attached. I was turning left into a road and had to use the right lane to turn left. There was a car besides me in the left lane and the driver tried to overtake my truck while I was turning and my trailer hit her car in to the kerb. The rule is not to overtake a turning vehicle.

My best friends fells pressured to become straight?

I was talking to my friend he is gay and he said when he went to his cousin wedding that he felt sad...Knowing that he could never have that feeling w/o feeling guilty. Also he would never be happy being married to a women but says know that he has to so he wouldn't go to hell.. He wants to live right but at the same time wont be happy living a lie..He doesn't want to disappoint his family but at the same time want to live a happy life.His family is going to expecting him to get married in 15 years or so. Is their any advice any gay christians or people for that matter to give him advice for this situations..

I am PLAYING with FIRE... AM I?

well, you were with your husband, and I don't think he liked that! he was probably intimidated! AS HE SHOULD BE! hun, you need to decide between him and your husband. who do you love more? and then once you've decided, stick to it. neither of them deserve this, but your husband really deserves a LOT more love than he's being given right now.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Huge virus coming back even after deleting!?

Try to scan your whole computer with Avast, but if that doesn't work with deleting the virus, than just backup and restore the computer.

Am i overweight???????????

Im 12 years old 5'1 and weight 96 Lbs and all my friends weight lke 60-80 Lbs amm i lke seriously overweight? How can i lose weight? Dont tell me im to young to be thinking bout this cause im not so dont give me that ****

What do you think of my poem?

That was excellent!!!!! You have pure talent for writing poetry!! I really like this poem and the theme of the 4 seasons. It gives the reader a beautiful image in their head and it is very detailed so when i was reading i would actually go there inside my mind. It takes a great poet to do that!!! Once again this was an amazing poem and don't ever doubt your skills you may be young but your poetry shows years maturity.

How do you fix that thing where your browser disappears from view?

I pressed some ons, and I know I've done this before, but for the life of me I can't remember how to fix it. My browser disappeared, like it left the screen so that I can see more of the page. It reappears when I put the cursor at the top of the page, but I like having my browser there 24/7 so that I know there isn't something wrong with my computer. How do I get it back to normal, where it's showing all the time?

Why does my iPod skip "So Yesterday" by "Hilary Duff"?

Ok, so I have a 4GB, Silver, 3rd generation iPod Nano. It works perfectly fine, It has around 550 songs and around 60% of memory is being used. So here's the issue. The song "So Yesterday" by "Hilary Duff" plays perfectly fine on my computer but it just skips whenever I try to play it. Also, a few days ago when I added "She Got It" by "2 Pistols" it did the same thing. What does this mean? Why does this happen? Please give me details and tell me what to do about it.

Help with a fault with gas inset fire?

my propane fed gas fire has suddenly gone .out there seems to be lack of pressure but bottle supply full.

How would I go about getting my hair this color?

She could, yes . But I have brown hair and I bought the hair dye and did it myself and got that exact color.

Help with my bebo please?

That happened to me as well, they have fixed it now and it's still the old etc... if yours hasn't updated yet you can type it in how you usuallly would then go to the page you posted it and click 'edit' on your comment then 'save' :)

I dont know how to feel?

It was sort of a put down, but it was also an observation. I guess getting to know you in this setting really helped them find out the type of person that you are, and essentially that is a great thing.

Discus and cichlids?

Could i have 4 full grown unpaired discus with 2 paired atoos and 15 cardinal tetra in a densely planted 55 gallon tank. If not what are some suggestions including those 3 fish or with less cardinals if anything. I know all of their water conditions and already have 10 cardinals and 2, 2 inch discus but would like more.

Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

My daugher Emma is 4 months old and she uses a pacifier when she sleeps. she doesnt cry for it any other time which was fine cause once she fell asleep it would fall out anyway and she'd be fine. but now when it falls out during the night or during her nap she screams and cries until i out it back in for night i am up every 1-2 hours putting it back in and i just cannot do it anymore. we are both getting broken sleep. how do i wean her off of it? i started today by not giving it to her at naptime but she just keeps screaming and crying bloody murder for it. i feel so mean! i dont want to make her cry herself to sleep. what should i do? what worked for you? i am open to any and all suggestions! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Isn't it time to let the Middle East handle their own problems?

I know that's right. What are we gaining? Higher oil prices? We need to worry about our own problems.....foreclosures, poverty, unemployment, education, health care, etc.

What is this type of occupation called?

a person who is in a lab and looks under a microscope to tell if a person has a certain disease or not (e.g. diabetes or sickle cell)

Help plz!!?

If your hair is browish black, go with some carmel high lights and since your hair is already dark you wouldent really need low lights. The hair cut would suit a round face. If your have long hair i would get longer layers in the back and some layers in the front like side bangs but longer ones that come down to at lest your nose and can swipe to the side. This hair cut should suit you well and Good Luck.

2. Which of the following best defines the term synonym?

the name of a person prominent in medicine, a word that means same as another, a word that sounds like another word or a phrase that uses like or as in a comparison

Work problem?

A few months back I had to take a month's leave from work because of a tragedy that struck my family. I made my supervisor promise not to tell anyone about it. And she agreed. Last week, I found out from my office mates that my team leader mentioned it to them. I was so hurt for the betrayal of my supervisor and team leader that I decided to put in my notice. I have reported the incident to personnel and I'm still so hurt and angry I want to know if I can file a case against these two. Is there case for breach of confidence in the work place?

What happens if you fail the tape test at MEPS?

I'm overweight but I am just below the body fat % required to join the army. If I get DEP'd in it'll be at least two months before i ship so i have more time to get in shape. Still right now I know i'll have to take the tape test and the ARMS test and I've heard horror stories of bad measurements, etc. at MEPS. I was told by my recruiter that if I fail, i have to wait 3 days for every pound I'm over. Is that true? or is there some sort of waiting period before I can be taped again?

Isn't it paradoxical in nature to say?

The religious types will resort to "spirit" as being pre-existent and superior(!?) to matter or energy. They can't actually show you any of this "spirit" but will insist it is MORE real than energy or matter.

What is the point of judicial review if the Supreme Court doesn't have the power to enforce the law?

If the Supreme Court declares a law unconstitutional, does it even matter if the court doesn't actually have the power to enforce it? I'm having a test over this tomorrow in government and I'm very confused about this. In Marbury V. Madison the court stated that Marbury's rights had been violated but they weren't able to do anything about it. Andrew Jackson also said once that John Marshall made his decision, now let him enforce it. I'm not seeing what the point of judicial review is.

Iodine and starch ( iodine test)?

Why does a mixture of iodine and starch turn from blue-black to colourless on heating and back to blue on cooling

I need information about Harry Potter?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why does my neighbor want me to pay more taxes?

Last year I paid over $50,000 in federal taxes. My income was over $200,000 and I am not married and don't have kids. My neighbor makes $50,000 a year, is married and has 2 kids. Last year he paid zero federal taxes. All the money he had withheld from his paycheck during the year was returned to him in his refund. Yet he tells me I am part of the "wealthy" and that I am not paying my "fair share"........hmmmm, my share is $50,000 and his share is zero. How can he really think that I am the one not paying their "fair share" ???

Does Telstra do pre-paid cap deals?

hey just wondering if telstra does pre-paid caps because all the othert companys i know do and i cant find any wth telstra?

Whats the name of the scottish song played at the Oakland Police officers funeral?

Looking for the name of the song that SFPD played for the 4 officers funeral in Oakland. I am in LE and so is half my family, and it was a beauiful song, I just have no idea what its called.

Houston high schools? Hastings or westside.?

I wanted to know a little about both. and which one would be best for a temporary period of two months. consider everything from academics, athletics, social status

Does he??like me??

Ok well theres this guy i like and like always idk wat to do we started talking by myspace and then the 1st day we started talking he tells me about the bands he likes,His life and then even tells me about his relashionships and says dat he broke up with this girl cuz she was a and stuff.And then Hes always staring at me in the bus and Then today he says something to my friend and i go like wat does dat mean he goes like nutin nuthing and im like tell me then he changes the topic and im like hu??and then he goes like it means ure special steph. And then another time he complimented me and said i was preety Do you think he likes me??

New snowboard jackets?

get an airblaster girls jacket ! they are awesome! for example the womens pullover next year is cool in my opinion.

I think I might be pregnant, but every test comes back negative. Can someone help me?

I'm 18 years old and I haven't gotten my period in 3 months now. I am on birth control, but my periods have never been irregular before. I have been to the OB/GYN, my regular doctor, and the ER a couple of times. Myself and all of the doctors have done the pee tests as well as the blood tests, and they all keep coming back negative. Lately I have felt extremely tired, having to go to the bathroom more, experienced heartburn and I have never had it before in my life, throwing up every day a couple times a day for the last week, and about 2 weeks ago along with this morning I started bleeding brown blood. I thought that maybe it was my period, but it slowly disappears throughout the day. I have also been getting sharp pains in my pelvic area which I went to the ER for. My aunts HCG levels didn't increase with one of her children, so maybe it's hereditary? I've had an ultrasound and nothing came back on it. I am scheduled to go for another one on Monday. Anyone have any ideas?

How old do you have to be to go to the oxygen festival in ireland?

i want to know how old you have to be to to go to the Oxygen festival in ireland...i really want to see bruno mars, the black eyed peas, jessie j and the script badly!

My Christmas List Help?

how old are you? you sound about middle/high school...but I think that's a really reasonable list (coming from someone who's almost 13) but when I ask for stuff I usually get half of what I want and the other half is useless junk. just letting you know

McCain makes money on ethnic cleansing in Darfur?

Of course we buy it. Do you thoroughly investigate everything company that your 401k invests in, or do you just look at the profits? That's what I thought!

Why hasn't CA Democrat Jane Harman stepped down?

The Justice department probe found no evidence of any wrongdoing. But I guess that is reality and reality has a well-known liberal bias.


I am a Christian but I have seen these people on almost every category of questions on YA. Please don't think that all Christians are like this because we're not. The ones you hear from are usually the most self-righteous and obnoxious, and they are generally not dedicated to the true tenets of Christian faith, which are love, kindness and acceptance. A lot of so-called "Christians" seem to have missed the main focus of Christ's teachings, and they make the whole religion more about them and their own personal biases than the real point of the faith. Nothing infuriates me more than when I see someone using Jesus and the Bible as an excuse to hate. Best of luck to you in your pursuit. You have the right to make your own decision about your faith and beliefs.

Is there a term in literature for taking a real incident and then making a story/novel - stageplay/musical?

Macbeth and Othello are not the only examples - Don Carlos by Verdi is another... is there a term for this?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

" When We r Most Conscious..Love beguiles Us.." do u agree ?

how this Supreme pion pierces through the Armour of Intellect.. and makes the conquest of our Mind...

How can do a 360 on a snowboard easier. Can I please get some tips.?

The main thing you want to do, is be aware of how much room you have, the speed your going, and the control you have. Next you should bend your knees, almost like you want to ollie, then when you hit the ramp you want to pivot your weight to a certain side.

Looking for details on a SNL skit.?

Two guys and a girl at a table and one guy always has the perfect line 30 sec too late... Any ideas? Season and guest star would be a huge help. THANKS!

Slight fever, runny nose, found a small bump on the back of neck?

I think I have the flu. I have had a fever on and off since yesterday. It first started with sinus drainage and then I got a sore throat. Then felt nauseated and tired. When I got home from work I didn't really have an appetite and went to sleep. Today I felt a tad better during the day but in the evening my fever is coming back, I had chills earlier and I still have the sore throat. I have a runny and congested nose. also. I know my neck has been sore and I was feeling the back and felt a small bump on the back of the left side of my neck. I don't know if it's something I should be concerned about or not. I know you can get swollen lymph nodes. It feels sore when I put pressure on it. I break out sometimes, but never on my neck so I wouldn't think it would be a pimple. Any advice?

Why is Paula Abdul not coming back to American Idol????

I read the story on Yahoo but i don't get why she's mad! Why is Paula Abdul mad and not aoming back to American Idol, also after Randy leaves in 2011, will there be an american idol?

Are Celtic people black?

I was told that in Africa there are a lot of Celtic genes. Then there are a lot of Black people with names like Eddie Murphy, Isaac Hayes, Shaquille �Neal, Dizzy Gillespie, Mariah Carey,Clarence Thomas, Carmen McRae, Myles Davis, James Earl Jones, Carl Lewis, Kobe Bryant. They all have Celtic surnames. I have a Celtic surname. Does that mean I am Black?

Opinions about marriage in hollywood and gay marriage?

I agree with you...I personally don't see what the big deal is with gay marriage ...I think its totally wrong that our government should be able to tell people who can and cant get married...and the people in Hollywood don't even get me started...

Can this power supply work with this Mo-board?

Yes it would work to power the board however i have noticed that thats the only thing it will be able to power i have tried and so far what i have found is that the power supply will not be able to power any other devices except the board, not even the cd rom functions.

Is Judge Judy going against God's will?

It's obvious that she doesn't seek the truth, or she would of never allowed herself to become a judge. I have seen her show, and I disagree with about 50% of her judgements and wild allegations about individuals. It seems that she is very negative individual who doesn't care.

How do i dye suade shoes?

I’ve got a pair of cream suede shoes (they sound awful but they’re not!) and I fancy dying them black because they’re past their best for cream suede. Any thoughts about how I would do this or what kind of dye I would use?

I have often wondered as to how any muslim can emulate a man such as Mohammad?

I take it you have read the Qur'an? The translation into English (The Koran) published by Penguin in 1956 by N.J. Dawood has been replaced by a translation by Tarif Khalidi in 2009, also by Penguin, which is actually better, but neither of them give the impression that he was a thug (an Indian non Muslim sect) a cad, which is defined as 'a familiar spirit', 'an unbooked penger whose fare the driver of a coach appropriated' or more recently, ' a person who is lacking in the finer instincts or feelings - 1838) or a m murderer.

Tips on Gardening?

Presumably you are planting seeds and the packets should have answers to all the basic questions you are asking.If you are planting tomato plants,items 7 and 10,then plant them up to the lowest leaves.They will grow extra roots from their stems and the amount of fruit will be greater.Onions are usually planted only as far apart as the bulbs will grow.Corn is a large plant and should be at least a foot apart.Best grown in a square as they are pollinated by wind and that configuration will ensure pollination.Radishes ,sprinkle the seed mixed with some sand and thin out as they grow.

Best 50 Cent album?

All his new music (macre, curtis) sounds the same with some exceptions. So whats his best album. My fav. one is either "the power of the dollar" or "get rich or die tryin".

Can anyone help me think of a creative name?

Our middle school homerooms have developed a "house" system similar to the one used in the Harry Potter movies. Just like in the movies, the "houses" compete against one another using a point system. Students can earn merits/points for doing good deeds and following rules. All points go to your house. Students can also receive house demerits when they are found not following the rules of the house. The goal is for the students to keep earning points and not to lose them. We hope to improve overall behavior and boost students self esteem. Can anyone help me think of a good name for our house based on this goal and use the color green in the title? It is our house color. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. :0)

Can someone tell me about Roxy Music?

They rule. Especially the early albums with Brian Eno. I think that's where he got his start before becoming a producer and solo act.

{easy 10 points} just read this and tell me what you think?

the story is interesting. work on sentence construction. other than that you are off to a good start.

Breathing troubles?

Have you been referred to a heart lung specialist? It may not be all anxiety, but a combination of things. Ask your MD for a referal to a good Cardio Pulmonary doctor. They can run tests. I wish you the best

What does this edgar allen poe poem mean?

Chances are this is something your English teacher gave for HW and you need to answer question on it? How about pay attention in cl before your teacher gives you a test on it and you fail it with flying colors.

I have tried cooking chicken in the crock pot many different ways. how do i keep it moist when ready to eat?

The key is timing. You have to cook it slow and be ready to eat as soon as it's done. You can cook it faster as well, but again, be ready to eat when it's done. If you wrap it in foil as someone else suggested, it continues to cook. Wrapping it traps the heat and thus makes it more done. Just make sure however you cook it, it has enough moisture (i.e. water or marinade) to withstand cooking time.

Safe ways to make my 01 Prelude faster?

I want my honda to be a good reliable car, but at the same time I was wondering what good ways I could enhance it performance wise while not effecting how reliable the car is. If there are alot of ways to make it faster without hurting it please list. Money wise a few K is fine.

I need African Song Something Jungle like To Finish this Mix For dance?

it start Of With Lion King Circle Of Life African Theme, I then Angelique Kidjo-Wombo lombo And Hillary Duff Stranger Please It Cant Have Enlish Words In it I cut Some Of The English Words form Wombo lombo and Hillary Duff Stranger But I Need Something That Loud And Would Go With The Music This Is For My dance Cl

Why do you want to make me distraught and upset, and daunted, why do you wnat me to be imbalanced?

why do you want to take my blood pressure and tempeture, why do you want me to be imbalanced and unable to walk,:?>? why do you want me to suffer, you have said you do, and why do you want me to be dead, how you yell out the coop window to katonah ave below as i walk by and yell "you,re dead" you,re dead" and i rememeber my irish neighbors how they would scream in my face the same things how they want me to die and be dead, i would never vote for an irish person, they want me to be dead, i would never speak to an irish person, they want me to be dead, there must be something dishonest about the irish and mexicans hispanix that they want me not to move around and to be dead, >>>"????? what gives with the irish??? do the irish murder, i have to ask this, because of experience and because of mary savage, all the irish are like this prejudice and cidal>>>?:? yes,????

Has anyone heard of communication skills as a qualification?

Communication is one of the 3 main Key Skills: Communication, Numeracy, ICT, which are often now included within part of other qualifications. They are essential skills; even if you have a host of other qualifications, of what value are they to an employer if you cannot communicate effectively?

Do you agree? PLEASE Answer &nd if you write your opinions, you will get 8 points if its long & detailed.?

i pretty agree on one part i was shock that they even gave kelly kelly a shot i mean she came from extreme exposed she can never do a move right she could barely put a entertainment match the only reason why most guys like her is because she is just eye candy to me she looks really ugly but anyways to me this question seem to me like you telling us more off your opinion on who you like & dislike

I just found out that I am pregnant and I am already about 30 lbs over weight how much have others exercised?

while pregnant and still had a safe pregnancy?? I am currently in cardio kickboxing cles and not too sure if I should keep that up with all the jumping around but I need more than just walking. I am only about a month pregnant now.

Ridiculous rumours or possible transfers?

I heard they wanted J.J Corona.. Imagine Riquelme in mexican futbol, dammn he is good, but hates mexicans..

Do you still get 3 Battle Points if you lose to Palmer in your 3rd round? [Pokemon Diamond]?

Okay, i can get through the first 20 fine, but when Palmer's Dragonite comes along i can't get past it. I just want to know if I still get the 3 BP for beating that last 15-20 people or not.. anybody?

Is hypnosis scary?

Hi, I am in my last year of school in college and am presedent of a music sorority. Next week we are going to induct new members and have a lot of fun during or pledge and after pledge week. During all this our sorority has hired a hypnotist to perform and as the presedent I will have to volunteer and get hypnotized. I am really worried about this because I don't want to embar myself and am worried that hypnotists could take advantage of me. Has anyone here been hypnotized and knows what it's like? Does it hurt and does it make you all suggestable afterwords? it just a lot of fun. I want to have fun next week and participate but...this nervous I doubt I can. I appreciate any help.

Did Julius Caesar have epilepsy?

He is reported by Suetonius as having suffered from morbus comitialis, an illness that is believed to be epilepsy. The matter is subject to significant debate among modern historians. Given the lack of medical understanding at the time, it is entirely possible that he suffered from a different illness which has similar symptoms to epilepsy, and was therefore given the same description. In short then he at the very least suffered the symptoms of epilepsy, though exactly why is less certain.

Chemistry student needs a little help...?

A 5.00 mL sample of an unknown liquid is vaporized in a flask having a volume of 285 mL. At 100 degrees celsius, 0.4168 g of the vapor exerts a pressure of 740 torr. Calculate the gram molar m of the unknown liquid.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Does anyone think this about Linkin Parks "Shadow of the Day"?

Does anyone think this song sounds like U2's "With our Without You" and/or have a sound like The Cure??

French revolution help?

can someone explain how the ideology of the french revolution led france to develop from constitutional monarchy to a democratic despotism to the napoleonic empire.....I dont really get it, and I need to write a speach for it....Thanks

Is it legal for a father to get power of attorney over his disabled stoke victim son over his wife?

My sons wife has filed divorce papers and had my son sign them giving up everything. Was this legal without his power of attorney being present? Are those divorce papers that were signed legal? Was it legal to get power of attorney without the wife knowing?

I need some really serious moral help please..?

He was just as involved in making the baby as you were so there is no reason he should just get priase for doing things that are expected of a father. You two are both the parents to the boy so you should both be included in everything, including little things like the first haircut and first day of day care and all that. However if he isnt going to be there financially and emotionally for you then he doesn't derserve to be the good guy all the time for just doing things here and there. Have you gone through court yet to work things out? If not you could try a mediator and in the contract you could work out all the details like important milestones, diaper and food responsibilities, everything,

I want to learn in America but how ? please tell me?

i want to learn in America because the learning in egypt is very stupid and i can't enter the engineering university in egypt so iwant to learn in america to enter this university . please tell me ... how ? please . i would be gratfull grateful if you tell me the way to the solution .and the way to the travail .

Is this a grammatical mistake?

It doesn't really make sense... Do you mean "It helped him to provide for his first job."? Or, if you are talking about two people, use the name of at least one of them. For example, "Bob helped provide Sam with his first job." This way we know who you are talking about.

Photographing artwork with a white background?

The camera's meter is set to meter an "average" scene. 18% gray. Modern cameras have "smarter' metering systems that can figure out what the scene is and try to correct the metering accordingly, but your basically white scene is going to come out gray anyway! I usually use an incident light meter that measures the actual intensity of the light rather than the intensity of the light reflected off the scene/artwork, but i think the ideal thing for you to do is go to manual metering and use the exposure you get if you place a gray card in front of your artwork. There are 18% gray cards for this! Simplest solution, though, is to simply bracket your exposures: since your camera is underexposing, manually try exposures of 1, 2, and 3 stops overexposed and one of them should be fine. Try using the next three slower shutter speeds.

Thoughts on new rap lyrics?

this was pretty sick man. i can tell it's from the heart. rhymes were a bit basic but i can see why you went with simplicity. keep it up

If one of the Harry Potter movies went to the oscars....?

rupert & emma are supporting roles - they are not the main charachter so yes -- supporting actor & actress would be their categories

Wrestling section poll?

the time is now 7:17 so the superbowl has been on alittle less then 1 hour so i was wondering who here is on answers instead of watching the superbowl

Parents: Have you ever felt that...?

youll love your children whether you like children in general or not, because theyre yours, your flesh and blood and none of those other children are. ive always loved children so i cant relate, but i dont feel the same about any other child the way i do my daughter because shes mine and i have no connection with other peoples children thats why i really respect couples who adopt children who arent biologically related to them. my sister in law hates children but shes got a soft spot for my daughter because shes family and although she doesnt want her own children i know she will some day, you often change your mind when you get broody or that certain age where you start to think maturely of starting a family the dislikes of children fade away eventually.

If I get a tramp stamp does that make me gay? I'm a guy?

no, having and wanting to be in a relationship with a guy makes you gay. a tramp stamp makes you a tramp.

The World Is Ugly My Chemical Romance?

I love MCR, and when I heard this song on Youtube, I thought it was absolutely beautiful. But it was all Live versions, is there any studio version out there or is it being released at all?

Is it still possible to get this roll of 35mm film developed?

try a local 1-hr photo dept in a major store. If the pics don't come out, they don't USUALLY make you pay for them. Film? you might have to pay for processing the film; but maybe not the prints.

What is your opinion of human genetic modification in respect to removing damaging defects?

treating hereditary diseases, then fine, but i'm against the overuse of it..! most people want to extend the research to the point of engineering the "perfect" baby..! not just making him/her disease-free but pretty and intelligent and the like as well..! i mean, who gets to say what's perfect or what's beautiful..?! beauty is in the eye of the beholder..! we should only do so much..! GOD will take care of the rest..! =]

Small town American movie; changes from black and white to color as the people liberate themselves?

If I recall, it takes place in a small town in the 50's or early 60's. People could only see in black and white, but start seeing colors in their clothing, lipstick, cars, trees, etc. until the whole town is in color. I believe the mayor holds a meeting in the town hall to try to convince others that it's an outrage.

What kind of company should I set up?

I am going to be starting a vending company and want to know how to limit my personal liability to just the ets of the business. These are going to be interactive vending machines, ie. Mage chairs, breathalyzers, etc. Any advice would be appreciated. I will be in business with my father so I know I do not want a sole proprietorship. Should it be a partnership or LLC? Maybe there are other options?

Are these ports on my motherboard for a PCI graphics card?

Yes. Those are PCI slots. PCI express cards are faster than slower AGP and PCI-X and conventional PCI.

Do you think that Obama has transcend the race factor?

I have never been so inspired by any politician as I am now, from the leadership of Obama and Hilary Clinton. But, I have never seen such dirty politics played until McCain chose to adopt this kind of politics.

Where can I get some gory gifs?

Just go to a href="" rel="nofollow" and the /gif/ directory. Start a thread asking for gorey gifs and you will receive them.

Has anybody seen this?

I've seen it and mostly agree with it. My only exception is agriculture because with the UN projecting over 9 billion in world population by 2010 I do NOT want to be dependant on foreign food. I'd rather increase subsidies and have them hire legal workers, however, since we subsidize their poverty wage work force through our schools, hospitals and food stamp programs in any event. The current system still has us paying, but also overcrowds schools and hospitals and drains service funds needed for our own people.

What does "Error by his own arms is best evinced" mean?

It is evidenced that the Gentiles created the ill preoccupations of Idolatry, Traditions, and paradoxes by their own devise (hands)

Where can i download a free program with no watermark that will convert MP4 to AVI files???

well basically i want a freeware program that would convert mp4 video files into AVI format. and with no watermark and it is free :)

Family guy episode when peter kisses a lady with a funny laugh?

ok so there is a family guy episode when Peter does one of his flashback things and he is kissing this girl by a fireplace...he kisses her neck and she begins to laugh like a man or sumthing like if anyone knows wat episode this is please let me know....i dont know wat else happens in the episode i cant remember but tats the part i remember the most... so ya please help

Will the Steelers win the AFC North and go to the Superbowl?

Their 5-1 and have the best Defense in the NFL maybe not in statistics but in heart and preparation, they have won 2 Superbowls in the past 5 years. I think sixburgh becomes sevenburgh this winter win the Steelers invade Dallas and win it all defeating the New York Giants but that's been my SB pick since July and I'm sticking to it, What do you think and keep it toned down please.

Do you think sending troops to Iraq was a mistake when Afghanistan was not pacified?


This is more of an apology?

Good for you. But please feel free to hate individual Republican idiots. Just don't hate them solely because they are Republican. I sure hope you're not going to become a Bush supporter just because you got gles at the Lion's Club.

Why does this C function not work every time?

sign into xpforum and you will get help there , it's like here q & a , they all seem to know about a p.c

Does seeing an owl out at night mean anything symbolic?

It made me kind of wonder if seeing an owl at night means anything. I had my first sighting of an owl a week ago while I was going for an evening walk. It was perched on a telephone wire. When I got close to where it was it flew off. My second sighting happened tonight as my boyfriend and I were driving home, an owl kind of flew off to the side of our car. It was just down the road from where we live. So just wondering if anyone sees this as meaning anything or does it just mean I was lucky enough to see an owl twice in one week?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Atkins diet and saturated fat?

I am confused about the atkins diet I was going to purchase a breakfast bar made by Atkins however the bar had around 6 grams of saturated fat I thought the Atkins diet was low fat how does this work

What do people have against Terminator salvation?

because it was so unrealistic he gets stabbed through his heart and survives and all the fighting seens you could never believe it was alright but stupid coz he like gets the bike thing stuck under the wire like thing. then flys up to the flying thing and takes it down which is stupid.

Can't Vote - Simplified - What would you do?

You have the right not to vote. But if you chose to not vote you also chose not to complain. My suggestion, if its pro choice that is holding you back yet you are republican, why don't you vote republican and lobby your Representatives to maintain the status quo for abortion.

I need a good vegetarian chili recipe for the crock pot?

I got a new crock pot for Christmas and I really want to use it to make some chili for dinner tomorrow. I am stocked up on canned beans right now and would like to use them up. While my boyfriend loves meat, I don't like it in my chili, so I need a vegetarian recipe. Can anyone give me a good vegetarian chili recipe to use my crock pot with?

Yeats infection or BV?? help!?

I have been getting a curd like discharge for awhile now that ranges in color from white to a light greenish and has a bad odor sometimes. I read on a website that severe yeast infections can have those symptoms. When im on my menstrual cycle the discharge goes away and then reappears after...what can this be?? i haven't been ually active in a year. also i noticed when i eat a lot of sweets i get very irritated down there and the discharge worsens. Help!

If you put THIS IS NOT PREJUDICE can you still be sued?

It sounds to me like you made a group against a pageant and wrote terrible things about the pageant, and now they are suing you for slander. Writing that won't stop anything, you falsely accused an organization and are out there spreading lies about them... have fun in court there's no way you will win. If you never even once used their name or gave the umption that it was their pageant then no they can't do anything.

Anyone ever had a 1500 dollar wedding in Indiana?

my girlfriend and i are getting married in Indiana on a small budget she wants fancy and beautiful but not the things you see in magz and movies. we are not keeping the faith so to speak so churches are out of the question . does antone have any advice for me maybe some nice but lower cost hotels maybe someone from indy may know of a pretty state park its a long shot but its worth the try oh yeah the wedding date is july so its not like we are trying with only a few months thank you peace to all

What do I need to set up a laptop to display on a second monitor?

well to be honest you need a cetain cable to link them both together i dont know what the cable is called but you need one, sorry i cant help very much. you can proberly find the cable in pc world or some other software stores

My husband wants to start trying for another baby even though I'm not ready?

It seems to me that your husband's being pretty selfish here - you have your hands full with two small children and you're probably still grieving for your first - I wonder if he thinks that the more children you have, the more distracted you'll both be from your loss? Anyway, if there's really no talking to him, perhaps you could see your doctor, express your concerns and he/she may be able to talk sense into your husband? It's not like you're saying you won't have any more, just that you need a little more time - and that's perfectly reasonable by anyone's standards. I think you're right about not wanting to lie - to take birth control secretly would cause major trouble if you get found out. Just be as honest as you can, and get help if you need to.

How to leave a charge on an electroscope without touching it?Need Help ASAP!!?

Bring a charged object close to the leaves. Now ground the leaves while keeping the charged object close to the leaves. When you ground the leaves, opposite charge will flow from the leaves to the ground. When you unground it, the leaves will repel each other even if you take the charged object away since they will have an overall charge now.

2wire blaster type virus?

ut oh! dont do that!!! no!!! just kidding. it was probably one of your anti-virus programs fixing it, if nothing happened when they clicked continue. If it looked like a cheezy pop up message then theres a chance its spyware. The only thing you can do for those is close them, and then scan with Ad-Aware or some other free spyware cleaning utility.

Star this question if you kinda feel bad for Larry Fitzgerald?

Yeah I feel ya. He is a great guy and a great player, but just hasn't had the opportunity to take it to the next level.

How can a team in the nfl like oak win every game in their division(if they beat kc) and not make the playoffs?

while a team who goes 0-6 still make it in the playoffs by going 10-6 and winning the division. don't you think that's stupid

Grammar & Mechanics HELP 10 POINTS?

Geez, in the time it took you to type all that out you could have learned what you need to know. I can't help you with this one; something as fundamental as subject and verb agreement is something you really need to learn.

How does a pretty lady who rides a harley meet a good looking single man who rides a harley for dating?

I've been to Hollister for years, street vibrations, been in motorcycle groups, on-line dating, biker bars, church groups, hit on by married men, I'm kinda shy and quiet around strangers or large groups, so I don't know what to do next?

Are baseball/football players overpaid?

Vastly. The main problem with it, though, is that it suckers millions of kids into a system that leaves them with debilitating injuries for the rest of their lives, while 99.9% of them will never make a dime in professional sports, or even get a scholarship to college.

How can I come across as intelligent and confident?

People tend to view me as dumb and illiterate, even though I don't feel this way, and don't know what I am doing to radiate stupidity. I was raised to be humble, polite and am also very quiet. Could this be why people immediately ume I don't know very much? The other day, for example, the hostess of a restaurant took one look at me and began speaking to me not only in spanish (I am hispanic, but do not speak spanish), but also in a very condescending tone. Does anyone have any tips on how to look more confident and intelligent? I'm tired of being treated like a second cl citizen.

Guy saying i love you first?

im 21 years old..i was dating this guy in the navy for 2 months but we broke up..everything was going so good i met his family..he takes me out to eat he lives upstate about 4 hrs away from me takes the bsu to see me every weekend b4..but we broke up..i had trust night he didnt answer his phonee next day he text me saying sorry his phone died..i told him its off we arent dating and iwas talkin to someone else already...and he was like "really?" and he said w.e and stop responding to me then i told him im sorry im not talkin to anyone dat i lied and he said call him later so i did..and he said he think we needa go on a break cuz i dont know what i want..and we should take this break for me..then a few days later was gonan be his Naval ball..&& he told me not to go anymore..and that we should b friends..& that he loves me & i was so precious to him.& i was so sad..for a couple of days..the nite b4 the ball he called me back ask me if i wanted to go to the ball..and to never act like dat i went up there hung out with him..and he told me he doesnt wanna lose me & he loves me & he says he means it..but ever since the day we broke up he doesnt act the same anymore..he told me he has no humanity he has no feelings towards anything..and he ignore me for 4 days..again called me syaing he jus wanna b friends..bcuz he doesnt know how he feels he has no feeligns towards ne one hes jus been down...& he wanna be with me but he cant...because he doesnt wanna be with me if hes like that..than 2 days alter he calls me and tells me how muc heh misses me and that he dont deserve me & its funny cuz he never felt liek this b4 and never felt liek this with any girl..& that he cant believe two people fell in love within two months..and eh says im amazing..and all this...thats goin on with him...we barely talk..& dis weekend he wants to c me but he hasnt talk to me again for 2 days..he goes threw withdrawals & anixety b4 and he punch the wall bcuz of me b4....does he really love me?..should i wait around for him...i love him too..but i feel so lonely when we arent talkin...what should i do..should i stick around & wait for him or should we jus go on with our lives & one day be together..

Is Rev. Harold Camping just ripping off Terence Mckenna with his end of the world prediction?

End of the world predictions predate the birth of both (e.g. Millerites and the Great Disappointment--both years). Yes, there's good money in eschatology, so preempting each other is essential. As an ogy, Deep Impact and Armageddon were released at about the same time, and neither was original.

I'm scared... (20 characterssssssssssssss)?

tell your parents how you feel and hope they dont laugh at you. ask if you can swap with one of your brothers.

Can Rosie Huntington-Whiteley act,well?

no,i really want to know. you see,movie tickets are expensive here in california. and part 2 was such a dismal let down. i would really like to know;other than having a killer body,and pretty face,can Rosie Huntington-Whiteley act? as far as i know,this bimbo has no acting talent whatsoever. and when you're making a $200+million dollar film,skimping on the talent should not be part of the equation. now i'd understand if this were some grade b skin flick.but,are you serious? in the mountain of talented actresses,this was the best that mike could come up with? really? the trailers look awesome,but this girl doesn't utter a single word throughout the entire 2 minute trailer-i seriously hope she can hold her own with the likes of megan fox{ i.e. a real actress} hell,the blonde british woman in part 1 was more talented. what about the hottie in disturbia? that girl had talent! what the hell is wrong with mike? is he really that shallow and ist? not to mention racist!

Lookin for the name of a song (the soundtrack of a movie)?

I heard it in the movie "Tangled like 3 or 4 monthes ago. It's singed by Mandy Moore and at the end of the movie. Thanks

Why are devout Christians of today being ridiculed,and PERCICUITED?

when i voice my views about my savior,,Jesus Christ,,i kow,,behind my back, people are taking the mickey out of me,,i can feel it,,I know that JESUS SAID,,"DO NOT CAST PEARLS AMONGST SWINE"I PRAY FOR THOSE HYPOCRITES,THAT SURROUND US,,,AMEN,,,,,lol

Questions for my Biracial Hair?

Okay i have biracial hair and it is very course with tight curls and really thick towards the top and thin at the bottom half of my hair... And see i always mostly have to wear my hair up in a ponytail because my hairr will like frow up and probably cause i dont have the right hair product in my hair and my 8th grade banquet is soon and i would like to have my hair down for that so if you know of some good hair products and hairstyles and just anything to help me with my hair plz telll me! thnx!

Would my laptop(vista) play the sims 2?

It should, but if you want a sim game that is entirely laptop friendly go for one of the Sims Stories games. The Sims 2 is hard to play on the laptop and these are almost the exact same thing!

Why does Anderson Cooper love "investigating" other people's private lives...but no-one can question his?

I agree...come one man! are on freaking CNN and then you are talking about celebs. It is a little shameful.

Name of theorem.. Help please.?

It is a long shot, but maybe you mean the theory of forms. Your second example is Plato's cave, which is an illustration of his theory of forms. See source below for more information.

What are THE BEST zombie movies of all time?

add these to your list. day of the dead - dawn of the dead - return of the living dead - return of the living dead 2 - return of the living dead 3 - land of the dead - the hood of the dead - 28 days later - 28 weeks later. sorry, you already had dawn of the dead on your list.

A Real-World Chemistry Question! I Need Help :(!!?

At 1 atm and 20 degrees C, the densities of methane and propane are 0.65 g/L and 1.83 g/L, respectively. Would either gas tend to settle in a low area such as the basement of a home? (Explain)?

What does Merrill Lynch do?

Do they consult? Is that consulting? Please provide a detailed answer of what it is exactly they do. I'm so lost and wikipedia is vague +_+

What happens if you spill a strong acid into fire?

I need it for a short story. Say, sulfuric acid or hydrochloric acid. I'd rather not test it in reality :-)

How can any body who asks for the death of a person over the name of a bear be taken seriously?

I understand that Mohammed was a profit and was very important in Islam but why do they allow people to be called mohammed and not a teddy bear, which is after all a childrens toy, the person could grow up to be a murderer or rapist but that is okay? what on earth could a teddy bear to someone apart from give comfort and security to a small child . I'm sure that if Mohammed was around he would not be asking for the death of the persons who named the bear. After all it was the children who choose the name not the teacher should they all be given a death sentence to? A name is just a name and doesn't actually mean anything. In what religion does it say you should harm kill people that don't have the same beliefs as them. At the end of the day people are all different and will always have different beliefs and I believe if there is a message that we can still use from religion in this day and age its the message of tolerence of other people.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What is your happiest AFL/VFL memory?

When big Jase McCartney made his comeback game against Richmond and kicked that goal in the third quarter that showed everyone and himself that he had finally beaten the hell he suffered in the Bali bombings. Great game. Was so happy for the bloke.

Di i need to fill TIER1 form necessarily?. I am covered by HSMP Jud. Review. I live in Pakistan.?

HSMP- Judicial Review. I landed Heathrow on 29 july 2006 and left UK after Changes were introduced on 04/02/2007. As per guidance and policy of Border Agency I think i have to apply on Tier-1 form. I worked in Uk and Paid Tax. Do I need to show maintenance funds equivalent to the amount required to apply in Tier -! , i.e. 2800 pounds for at least three months in my possession/ account. I do have the sufficient funds but I can not prove that these funds have been in my account for atleast past 3 months. What fee i would have to pay for FLR.

Who do you think will be performing at The Grammys This year?

You're list named basically everybody. I don't think Beyonce is. Idk about Glee, but then again i dont watch it. Kanye West probly will. I think Nicki Minaj probably will too. Eminem and Rihanna might do "Love the Way you Lie" together, I think he probly will open it up, with either Not Afraid or Love the Way you Lie.

Microsoft office powerpoint 2007 help?

I've typed a title in microsoft office powerpoint in the font AR CENA. It's bold, underlined, and shadowed, and 8 other titles use the exact same formatting. It has 22 characters, and the other titles have a few more, or a few less characters. But on this title, whatever size I make it, the first few characers appear smuged, apart from when I'm editing the text. Any help? Thanks.

Why are Celtic and Rangers fans so delusional?

There idiots, they are two sides that if in the EPL they would finish in the bottom half....sorry but its true

Can you smoke wormwood from a bottle of Absinthe?

About a month and a half ago, I purchased some Absinthe in the Czech Republic. After finishing the bottle, I kept the wormwood in the bottom and left the bottle open so that it could dry out. It's been drying for about a month now. Is it safe to now smoke?

Can you please help me, im rlly stressed?

How old are you? Ok first of all you have to have to get pregnant! If you are not ready for a child why in the hell are you and grinding on a guy that you know will lead to something else. You are 9 times out of 10 not pregnant beings that you didn't have . The man has to actually put it in and yall have and him to *** will and can get you preg it going on your clothes no it aint going to happen like that

If the democrats feel like Obama will be a reason for them to be voted out in november, will they seek to have?

him resign and reverse some of the damage he has caused them? When Nixon screwed up the republicans were of one voice to put him out of office even though Gerald Ford had him pardoned to save the country from further grief coming out of the watergate scandal.

Is this story ok?

Not too bad. More detail. I like the concept that Andy was playing with someone he thought was just like him, and found out he wasn't. And the fact that Andy could have been taken anywhere by this mysterious "friend". (Watch for grammar errors though.) Keep Going!!

Recommended choices to keep video card cool?

I have a Radeon X1650 512ram (agp) and it works fine. I just learned that its idle temp sits around 62C and I would like to have this lowered. I've worked on lowering cpu temperatures before but never a video card, so for those folks who also have ATI cards, which products would you recommend for keeping it cool as well? (have one slot open next to the video card, but the backside seems to get hot and theres no room to put anything there.)

A good online text RPG for me?

I;m looking for a very specific text online RPG. What I want is one with a fantasy theme, one that acts a lot like a MMORPG, as in interaction with other PC's is encouraged, maps of the world and its towns are available, and the moderators make all of the decisions regardig the enviorment. I also want one that has "news" and updates, and engrosses the players in the world. One that the moderators update often is good too, and I want it to have lots of imagery, and one that you're allowed to upload images in your posts. Also, having your whole story take place of one thread , starting with newest post and going to oldest is good too. This is a long list, so the game dosen't have to have all of them, but I want one that has most of these features. Sci fi is actually fine too.Thanks.

Recently I was sitting outside in a designated smoking area with about 20 or so guys who looked like bikers?

and they all had jackets that said "Banditos" on the back of them. One of the guys was chasing pigeons. (Seriously.) I was outside having a cigarette, and my boyfriend was with me. I was fine sitting with this group of people, since I was minding my own business...but my boyfriend looked a bit uncomfortable. Who are the "Banditos"? Does anyone here know?

What goes with this brown suede wedge?

Jeans (any type) , leggings, and a high waist skirt. You can wear them in the Spring too. Im not sure if they look good with shorts. If you want to know how they look with shorts, try them on with shorts on and have people around you that can tell you the truth (a relatives or your closest friends). If you want to wear them with leggings, go for neutral colors like grey,dark grey, black, and dark brown. I hope this helped.

Scott Peterson trial question?

What do you want to know? He was convicted of killing his wife, Lacy Peterson and their unborn child.

Do ugg-boots clearance sell real uggs?

I found a good deal on Ugg boots from and I wanted to see if anyone has ordered from here and whether they're legit.

Why Would A caring God Create Hell?

Let's ume the general concept of God for the major religions, which in the scriptures depict a 'merciful', 'caring' and 'loving' God- not my interpretation- the 'irrifutable' words of the scriptures. 'Do not be afraid' (source: My Old preist of my days of being a beleiver), I have heard, appears in the Bible 365 times. But this idea of a God is inconsistent- I am an 'immoral' atheist, I have been told- as I have no moral comp- yet even I can tell that enternal and everlasting punishment and torture is immoral- even without the prefix of 'eternal'. Coming from a 'forgiving' and 'loving' being, this model is entirely inconsistent. God has made me a rational person, God has imbedded in me the questioning charachteristics that in turn make me a non-beleiver, and due to how I have been made, due to the fact he has made me knowing (as he knows everything) I would never seek him due to my rationality, and I am subject to entarnal, most horrific torture? What kind of God would do such a thing? And finally, if God knows everything, which he supposedly does, he knows, before he has even created them, who will go to heaven, who will go to hell- why would he create people just to condemn to hell? Surely therefore it cannot be argued God is testing us- the value of a test is learn the capabilities and abilities, morals e.t.c. of another- But God knows everything, God doesn't need to test us to learn that information does he? Apparently so- therfore, the model of God is entirley contradictory (Please don't try the argument that God is a paradox and out of reason, since the Scriptures are within our comprehension), or God enjoys creating pain in his little test tube ants- either way, God is not who we think he is and depending on one's definition of what and who God is- does not exost in the sence we beleive him to. I am according to my friends, in need of salvation- please save me (might I add- I am being saved from god?????? Do I really want to know this person???)

Can the genotype for a gray-bodied fly be determined? Why or why not?

Can the genotype for a gray-bodied fly be determined? Why or why not? Describe all of the possible genotypes for a fly with that phenotype.

Do you think you are better?

Actually, the most common thing Satan does is what he did with Eve, convincing people that there is more to life that what God says. A good example of all the man made holidays. What God and Christ said to do was not good enough, so Christians had to come up with more. They had to eat from the tree to see if there was more.

Whats up with obama /antichrist weirdos on you tube???

2012/?nostradamus?.revelations of bible? end time/ antichrist rhetoric??please explain..supposedly since he is entering in atime of turmoil and conflaggeration..and economic devastation by previous president.actions...he is following the cook book recipe ..and comes kinda out of nowhere,, just curious if anyone has comments or have heard any of these theories...opinions welcomed...

A lot of problems are going on with me need some advices,,pls?

well your 14 so that means your not too far from becoming an adult. Honestly, I would just do the best I can in school right now. then when you go to university, go to one in a big city or another country. If you do good enough in school right now, maybe you could get a scholarship and your parents would have any input. Just do the best you can right now and that will give you more opportunities later. Once your an adult you can live whereever you want. Enjoy what you do have. There are tons of people living in cities wishing they lived in the country. I live in the USA in a big city with so much violence you can't even walk down the street after dark without getting d, robbed, and/or murdered. Whenever I want to go somewhere I have to drive 20 min. or more in the car and fight traffic. I don't even know the people who live across the street from me. I see small villages on TV sometimes and think how nice it would be to live there. To be able to walk to the store and know everyone in your village. Be grateful for what you have, but also strive for the things you want.

Who do you think will win American Idol?

ADAM LAMBERT, and if I am correct this will be the 2nd time in a row I guessed correct about who would win, from the beginning of last season at the start of the voting I knew David Cook would win, and it was the same for this season as well.

I cant hav a boyfriend until im 16? and i have to be watched on a date? hlp please?

ive had like 6 bfs before , but my moms saying i have to be 16 now, and i have to be chapperoned if i go out with him? How can i change my moms mind? im 13☻

I've been working out for a while, but it doesn't seem that my heart is getting stronger...?

They say that athletes have a lower pulse rate. I was in athletics everyday growing up from 6 yrs old to about middle school. I was in Basketball a bit in HS and was in track the last two years. I've been going to the gym 3x a week since the summer and do about an hour of cardio while I'm there. My resting rate is 82 and has always been. My heart rate always gets to about 175-200 when I'm on the machines. It seems like my heart rate would have improved...that I would at least be at the average 70 BPM.

Ac vacuum? will it remove oil?

you need to find spec on sticker under hood to know how much oil/coolant it takes. Yes vacuum will pull old oil out of system. Replace the O-rings anywhere you see a connection in A/C lines. Normally that is where leaks occur is an O-ring goes bad and allows coolant to escape.

My boyfriend is so in love with me it's almost psychotic. What do I do?

He was cheated on by his now ex-wife and they have 2 kids together. He is so affraid I'm going to hurt him and I have no intention to. Don't get me wrong I love that fact that he feels so deeply for me. At the same time he can't believe that our relationship is real and is "waiting for the other shoe to drop". We are perfect together and are what we've both been looking for our whole life but I can't help but to feel a red flag when it comes to me having friends of the opposite . I work for Harley-Davidson and he doesn't see or understand why I want to be with him when I could "find a rich biker" in his words. Can anyone out there offer me some advice, I really don't know what else I can do to make him believe me, and believe in us.

"Non-traditional" ladies: Are men really intimidated?

I've worked in non-traditional jobs most of my life, and wished men could have left it at friends only! So much for men wanting demure traditional women. I have to agree with another poster, it hasn't been my self urance or independence or my job that has intimidated others, but my education has at times made ppl wonder if they were in my "cl". I grew up poor, so I refuse to judge ppl by their pocketbook or education, I want to be around intelligent, thoughtful mature ppl. Many ppl can get a degree, but a degree doesn't make you bright, fun, or y. My bf was worried he wasn't smart enough for me, so I asked him to take an IQ test-his IQ is 10 pts higher than mine...and I have a couple more degrees than he does, and no, I"m not intimidated, lol. He says he's lucky to have me, and I say I'm lucky to have him.

Who doesn't believe in air pollution/ozone?

We can certainly prevent further environmental crisis through a disciplined lifestyle and the promotion of laws that protect the common good.To mention a few we must consider the avoidance of toxic materials,the proper disposal of garbage,the checking of pollution in the atmosphere and in the water,and the preservation of our forests and plants.The greed for profit sometimes pushes peaple to simply disregard the care of the environment.In meantime that we experience environmental crisis,we cant simply keep pointing and accusing finger to one another.We have to reach out to the victims of all these calamities doing what we can and sharing what we have to allevate their suffering.Its time for human solidarity and charity.

Makeup for a dance(help!)?

mmhhmmm i love randy orton i am just saying, well i like the idea of purple under you water line but make sure that your dress or something is purple or has like purple as a large portion of it, purple is great for your eyes, and good luck

Why is Dennis Kucinich not more popular ?

I've heard democrats & republicans alike say he has good clear plans/ideas, is voted one of the most honest politicians, and supports new energy development.Sounds like change to me. He honestly couldn't be worse than who's there now.Why is he not more popular ?

Has the human mind been warped?

ages actually. girls believe that being skinny is beautiful. although we know that boys don't like people too skinny, we still aspire to be it. why? i don't know. but i myself am desperate to be really stick thin. and as shallow as it sounds, the first girl is quite fat. and the second one, is beautiful :S though her bikini top FREAKS me out!

How can I improve my Critical Reading and/or Writing Skills?

Read the New York Times, Scientific America, and The Washington Post online, read op eds. When you read anything, underline the words you do not know and look them up in the dictionary. Then you can sign up at the College Boards website for the SAT word of the day. They also sell vocab flashcards, etc. Also buy the SAT practice book from the College Board. You get better as you practice the actual tests so make sure you use the book by the College Board. You also need an SAT practice book from the Princeton Review, Barons, Kaplin, etc. I like Princeton Review. Good Luck, Read every day and make sure you look the words up in the dictionary. You also might want to try a series of work books called Vocabulary From Clical Roots. Read advanced non fiction as well and do the same thing with the words you do not know. Try to yze the pages as you read them.

What are the criteria for morally responsible use of force?

as a general inquiry, "morally" has no meaning. One school of morality will have no restrictions whatsoever, while another will have you wear a mask to prevent doing violence to insects, and everything in between. there is no standard

Able to take a car into the shop with expired license/tags but still get it fixed?

pop into dmv for a day p as long as the yearly fees are paid it costs nothing, they check for repairs and youtr on youtr way, if you can't get it fixed all in one day get another to get it home or to dmv when done, because the ticket will be way more than the cost of the dmv initial fees

Watys to Introduce the Next Idea In a Top Ten Countdown?

I need more ways to introduce an idea in a top ten countdown. I already have "next up" and "at number ex. 5"

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Americans, do you say French fries or Freedom fries?, Canadian or Canuck, Brit or British?

Sorry if my questions are not meant to be sarcastic, but more an actual poll & survery about the speech.

Help with Physics Question?

A radioactive nucleus at rest decays into a second nucleus, an electron, and a neutrino. The electron and neutrino are emitted at right angles and have a momenta of 9.30 x 10^-23 kg m/sec, and 5.40 x10^-23 kg m/sec, respectively. What is the magnitude and direction of the momentum of the second (recoiling) nucleus?

Larry Fitzgerald vs. NO or Mark Clayton vs. Det?

It's tough to bench LFitz, but Clayton has established himself with Bradford, and Max Hall is an unproven rookie. Do I start Clayton over Fitzgerald this week?

If Hamas is launching conventional rockets on israelis,WHY israel bomb Gaza with DIME bombs & WHITE PHOSPHORUS?

Because they have those weapons and hamas doesn't. The whole relationship is built on a mive difference in military power, by trying to blame Israel for WAR CRIMES you take attention away from the real issues - The UN is never going to take Israel into account, so why bother banging on about it - deal with issues you can have an influence on.

Why was the sharon osbourne show cancelled?

i heard it had something to do with an interview with mandy moore. is this true? if so what exactly happened?

Which band should i choose?

3 weeks ago i was talking to my bff & shetold me that i should join her & this girl who r trying 2 start a band.well now we are a band & i came up w/ the name-along with this other girl, "Jessica", whom i cant stand-shes too touchy-feely.they didnt ask me how i felt about her joining.i talked to one of my guy-friends-"Mark" & he said that i should talk to them.then i talked 2 another 1 of my bffs, "Brittany" & she said the same thing & also that i could start a band with "Mark" & this guy that we all know, "Craig". that would be awesome!! they listen to rock IK 4 a fact & so do i, so it works! & ive always liked rock, my fav band of all time is KORN!! ive always waited for this oppurtunity & now i have it but idk what to do. my 1st band of girls(except "Jessica")are like my bffs & i dont want them to get mad at me for starting another band so my main question is WHAT DO I DO?? do i start a diff band with "Craig" & "Mark"? wouldnt that be wrong tho? the word BETRAYAL comes 2 mind. :(

Solubility Of Cooking Oil?

Hexane it dissolves cooking oil well, and is used throughout the industry for cleaning tanks etc. I still remember welders who had to weld a cooking oil storage tank, they were sent in the tank before the Hexane (which had been used to prepare the tank) was purged. Two died and one was seriously burnt when they lit their welding torches.

Any suggestions for some good hard sci-fi or fantasy?

Iv'e read tons of fantasy and sci-fi and at the moment I'm at a standstill. I'm re-reading the Chronicles of Narnia and my local library doesn't have any new material. I'm 13 years old so if you could suggest some good fiction books around my age range (preferably some that are 300+ or in a series) Iv'e read the usual ortment of books: Harry Potter, L.O.R, Redwall, Seven Towers, Artemis Fowl, His Dark Materials, Galactic Center Series, etc. So if you can give some books that are not that commonly found I would apprecate it. Thanks in advance.

How come I don't puke anymore when I drink well beyond my capacity?

This is just out of curiousity. I've noticed that in the last 3 or so years I haven't boked from alochol, regardless of how much I drink. Like when I get super smashed I'll just p out. I find this odd as when I was younger (12-15) I would boke when hammered. My friends ususally still boke when they get obliterated so I'm just wondering if there is any reason why some people wouldn't or maybe it's just different people react differently. But from about 16 to now (18) I just haven't.

GIRLS..i'm not sure if i've ever had an ??? wat is it lke??

i've been ually active 4 about 3 years now.. wit 3 different guys.. i dont think i've ever expirienced an WHY? wat is it like??

This or that- Girl Spellings?

My advice is while its cool on the birth certificate to spell your kids name wierd, it sucks throughout there life. My name is Jami... it sounds like Jamie, but often gets said like Yami or Jam - e. So, my advice is to give the kid the most common - simplest spelling as possible!

Are Roxy backpacks good quality?

Yes, I have one and it's great. I just got it last year, but it looks brand new. And mine is really spacy. I can put like two huge text book and a binder. They're also comfortable. I regret the color I got mine in though. It was rainbow and halfway through the year I didn't like it.

How do I get my mom to buy healthy foods?

You need to have an honest conversation with her about your concern for your family's health. Go shopping with her to help show her healthy alternatives to her normal purchases. Many people buy unhealthy food because it's cheaper, so if that's a out an arrangement with her. Give up some allowance to help with the grocery bill, or agree to do some extra chores in exchange for healthier foods.

Would this dress look good with a cardigan over it?

Ya I don't think it would look good with a cardi, it would lose the detailing, what about this dress perhaps a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How do I let the Barberton Ohio community know one of their school bus drivers is a slieze and a tramp?

How do you expose a lying adultress Norton city school bus driver in Ohio who has the whole community thinking she is a saint when she sits on a church pew every Sunday but yet holds her handicapped husband a prisioner in his own home while she is out having a affair with a married man and embezzeling money under false pretences and brags about it, and who can you call to report abuse for her husband who is only 45 yrs old because the adult protective service will only help if he over 60?????

Why doesn't the usa follow the examples of other countries and have a no tolerance law of illegal immigrants,?

a no tolerance law like mexico, cuba, venezuela, iran, in some countries its a felony, in some its imprisoned for life, in some it is death. all proud socialist should agree with that. i only ask that immigrants come here legally. but apparently that's just too hard.

I dont have claustrophobia, but i think im developing one..?

go live in city jail with the inmates, 30 people in one cell. you will appreciate whatever it is you complain about now

Where can I find an experiment to determine whether wood or iron is a better thermal conductor?

I have to create a science experiment to determine whether wood or iron is a better thermal conductor. I have no clue what to write so is there a website where I can find an experiment to help me?


ok i need a place to download absolutely free music without hain 2 do any major registration , no fees, no nuthin.....and i need it to be sumthin i could download and then transfer 2 itunes so it would be ipod compatible and BESIDES limewire cuz ive used it but now its a huge pain and it messes up the comp. ...also preferably a place that has really not mainstream stuff......(for alot of myspace music ppl and bands that u can only find pretty much on myspace).......sumthin hle-free if thats sumwhere i can download the merediths, soulja boy, mf doom, and paula campbell as well as others...thanks

What's with Chuck Norris?

Some guys in my homeroom are like obssesed with him and lots of people talk about him. I mean, he's even in a potter puppet pals vid! So I ask, WHY?

I am starting to refuse to believe benoit did it. Who's with me?

From what everyone(co workers, friends, fellow wrestlers, family members) says about Chris and his attitude, it doesn't seem possible that this could have happened. They wouldn't have been as shocked as they are now if they knew he had problems and what he was capable of. And since those close to him can't trust that this is like Chris at all, I trust their faith in his heart. I am starting to believe that Chris was framed, and now his entire [former] career and mermory is destroyed, along with his reputation from fans(WWE removing tributes, mentions and merchandise, fans turning on him), so that could have been the real killer's desired outcome. If someone is framing benoit and was trying to completely destroy him(not counting his death) they have succeeded. Who's with me?

Whose 'Jai Ho' are they doing in those campaign videos?

I'm sorry I'm not intelligent enough to understand whose 'Jai Ho' is it in those Congress campaign videos? India's or Indians or economically backward Indians or Congress party or Sonia Gandhi or Slumdog millionaire movie.......I mean whose Jai Ho are we supposed to do?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Fleets Phosphate ENEMA Recall?

Fleets Phosphate ORAL laxative PILLS have been recalled due to kidney damage, Have the Fleets Phosphate ENEMAS also been recalled? Thanks

Girls, which would you prefer?

i dont like etheir, but if i HAD to choose it would be the ring, i guess, but u might want to try looking for somthing silver, that way she can wear it with anything, and maybe if u find a simple silver ring u can get somthing engraved, wayyyy more romantic, to put ur own words.and to find out her finger size u could mesure it when shes sleeping.

Video Game Development? Is There A Lot Of Math Involved?

If you want to get into programming math definitely helps. There is a lot of emphasis put into quantitative skills when going to school for programming.

I need to sell my puppies online?

I have a site that I use on live deal but people aske if I have a website and I dont know how to build 1 or to get 1 tru where ever and with the dogs I cant afford much all my money goes into the upkeep and welfare of the dogs

Do you agree to this quote on time by Meister Eckhart?

Blessings. I agree with him, man do not have time for any thing. the one thing Eckhart was concerned with was union with God, and that was the concern of the majority of people in his audiences. As the quotation at the very beginning of this talk revealed, he had no time for anything - not even prayer techniques - which seemed to be diverting people’s attention from this one central concern. As he says in one of his German sermons: ‘The very best and noblest attainment in this life is to be silent and let God work and speak within


i wana get into somehing you need to be 16 and im 15 i have a p and only people with pes can get in also the only way to get a p is if you are in the music buisness or get a guest p from someone in it but the p says my freinds name on it do you think theyll check id and also if they do if i tell them i dont have id will they still let me in or will theytell me im not alowed also since its a private event (not open to public) do you think that cameras are allowed

Anyone read "the great gatsby"?

i had to read it last year in school. i actually liked it. its about this guy that everyone adores and all the people in his life from the prospective of this other man he meets. the movie was boring but the book is alright. its a clic in American literature. i'd give it a 7.

Gory anime?

i need some really gory anime the names of the shows ive seen elfin lied and that was pretty good but i need something sad and gory at the same time something kick as,s ya know thnx

I cant connect my Guitar Hero controller to my PS3 HELP!!!?

Ive followed all the instructions in the book. Ive connected the sensor to the USB turned on the Playstation 3 then pressed the PS on on the guitar it just flashes as does the sensor then all the lights go out. It wont ign the controller, if I turn on the normal wireless controller it is igned to "2" so something must be happening. I also bought my bro one for xmas and he is having the same problem. Ive followed all the instructions and its highly unlikely that ive bought two faulty guitars so what am I doing wrong??? I just wanna play my new game boo hoo!!!!

How can i block workgroup?

we have small network in our office with 15 computers.there are two workgroup in that network.I wnat to block one workgroup from accessing other but in the same time all comupters are conneted to a broadband connection via adsl router so i can not change the ip series.How can i do this plz help me.

How can you convert a "regular" engine to accept ethanol?

I drive a 2007 Toyota Yaris and the more I learn about ethanol the more I want my engine to accept that instead of the traditional gas. How can I do this or how can I find someone/ company to do it for me? Thanks in advance!

What is the best website to find printable coupons for things such as cleaning supplies, makeup, and etc.?

I need to find a website that has coupons for household necessities such as TP, body wash, cleaning supplies, over-the-counter medicine, televisions, and etc.

How much proof do our right wing politicians need to convince them that abstinence doesn't work?

I think parents in general are being unrealistic about teaching abstinence only. Like it or not is all around us, on billboards, television, commercials, even childrens toys. To show them this in society as an enjoyable and alluring experience and then say but dont touch until your married is just unrealistic. I think it is perfectly acceptable to say, "you need to wait until your married for the following reasons..." but then also say, "but if you should be in the moment protect yourself by doing the following..."

Is Prince William's fiance already preggers?

I am thinking that the whole thing has been engineered by the Queen who wanted to make sure that an heir would be available to block any attempt by the illegitimate Harry Son of Hewitt from sitting on the throne. This is Diana's last bombshell. She produced a basterd son who might take the throne from the Windsors. They cannot allow this so mus tmake sure that William is either not infertile or gay (I have a sneaking suspicion he might swing either way). And also they would be embared to expose Harry should he be up for the throne. So it seems Willies wife is preggers, no?

Why do my recessed lighting fixtures not work?

I have recessed lighting in my kitchen they are controlled by one switch. Some of them work and some don't. When I touch the fixture with a non contact tester, it will register electric current. What is wrong with the lights? Could it be a bad switch?

Have you tried ACTIVIA yogurt? ?

I couldnt get ped the bad taste. It has a funny taste. Try fiber pills thats what I use. they are great. OR drinking fiber.

The Three Stooges or JB?

The Three Stooges actually had talent and they actually tried to be funny (unlike JB on Snl) and they were with out telling nasty jokes.

What's the deal with the new army uniforms?

Some camo on millatary uniforms looks like it's been pixelated and, instead of having a kind of leafy looking pattern, it looks like it's been made out of Legos. Why does it look like that? Is it superior to the more traditional pattern somehow? Or does someone at the Pentagon or somewhere think it looks cool?

Does The Edge buy a new Gibson Explorer for every U2 concert when he plays Beautiful Day?..plz respond..plz pz

Hi! Cute question. The Edge does not "buy" anything, musicians on his level get their instruments for free.

Why do some people use their caste names with their names...?

i think this a system of dividing society. even then y many people do this...even today... many people don't feel shame to add their caste names in their names even in social network also... it means we are still illiterate only... these people must me alienated... can anyone tell me a valid reason for this.. what can v do to make this situation normal...any ideas...

You should take this survey?

to lazy i just did like a 25 one i only did half because the person was adding more to make it go to 50

Henrietta Maria, a victim of propoganda by parliamentarians, not unlike Marie Antoinette?

Could it have been possible that Charles' Queen bacame an excuse for parliamentarians and those opposed to the royalists to hold the Queen up as someone not to trust because of her catholic religion, and Charles' apathy towards catholicism and religion in general. I am trying to balance out an essay, which is mainly erting the religious aspect of the civils war, but I feel this is only one aspect to the the outbreak of war. I have read somewhere that there was an early publication of the nursery rhyme Jack Sprat 1639, but I cannot really back this up, as I do not know how to find the title of the book or even if it is truly ociated to Charles and his wife. I would be grateful if anyone has any web links to primary sources to do with pamphlets or other images that may involve Henrietta, or if indeed I am clutching at straws , trying to find opposing opinion?

Why don't some Christians view Mary as the Ark of the (New) Covenant?

I mean, think about it. The original Ark was needed in order for Solomon's Temple to be built, and it held the Ten Commandments. Without the Ark there could be no Temple. Mary was needed for Jesus to be born, and Jesus is the Word of God. I'd say it's quite obvious Mary is the Ark.

Once a long and painful divorce has been threatened, can a marriage be saved?

Get far, farrrrrrrrrrrr away from this idiot! He sounds controlling, vindictive and scary. He could do all sorts of things (ruin your credit, stalk you, cause problems at your work, etc.) Hopefully, he is just mouthing off and doesn't mean to harm you. Having said that, I have been harmed by someone doing just that. The bottom line is: Why would you ever want to be with anyone like that at all? Don't hesitate to get a restraining order if necessary! LET YOUR ATTORNEY handle ANY and ALL communication with the idiot. Don't give your ex any fuel for his fire!! Best wishes!

100 W Incandescent bulb generates how heat vs equivalent rated CFL bulb?

Have large overhead recessed lighting which goes up into the attic. Lights are non-IC. If I change to CFL bulbs how dramatically will it release vs the incandescents we currently use (100, 120 and 150W incandescent ratings.