Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I am starting to refuse to believe benoit did it. Who's with me?

From what everyone(co workers, friends, fellow wrestlers, family members) says about Chris and his attitude, it doesn't seem possible that this could have happened. They wouldn't have been as shocked as they are now if they knew he had problems and what he was capable of. And since those close to him can't trust that this is like Chris at all, I trust their faith in his heart. I am starting to believe that Chris was framed, and now his entire [former] career and mermory is destroyed, along with his reputation from fans(WWE removing tributes, mentions and merchandise, fans turning on him), so that could have been the real killer's desired outcome. If someone is framing benoit and was trying to completely destroy him(not counting his death) they have succeeded. Who's with me?

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