Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How can I improve my Critical Reading and/or Writing Skills?

Read the New York Times, Scientific America, and The Washington Post online, read op eds. When you read anything, underline the words you do not know and look them up in the dictionary. Then you can sign up at the College Boards website for the SAT word of the day. They also sell vocab flashcards, etc. Also buy the SAT practice book from the College Board. You get better as you practice the actual tests so make sure you use the book by the College Board. You also need an SAT practice book from the Princeton Review, Barons, Kaplin, etc. I like Princeton Review. Good Luck, Read every day and make sure you look the words up in the dictionary. You also might want to try a series of work books called Vocabulary From Clical Roots. Read advanced non fiction as well and do the same thing with the words you do not know. Try to yze the pages as you read them.

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